Image via Wikipedia
At the end of a fight, it usually ends up being more about who "won" than even remembering what the fight even stemmed from. That being said, was it even worth having a fight if you don't remember what you're fighting about? Why are we more prone to fight with the ones we love than anyone else...seems like backwards logic. Although if broken down, we do generally spend more time with our loved ones than anyone else so I guess it's just a numbers game. Regardless of the reason we fight, I'm always reminded of the ice cube theory...a theory introduced to me by a woman who has saved my life on a million levels (but that's a story for another time).
Though it's not a theory I constructed myself, I do try to pass along the message of this theory whenever possible. I'm a visual person so the idea of picturing an ice cube just stuck with me...and hopefully it will stick with you, too. So as we're picturing this ice cube, imagine that the ice cube represents your relationship. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship it is...friend, boy/ girlfriend, husband, wife, works for any relationship. But whatever relationship you're thinking is now in the form of an ice cube, perfectly formed and even on all sides. It is the emodiment of a perfect ice cube...untarnished by ice scoops, being tossed into a glass, or dropped on the floor...perfect. That perfection is how you start every relationship...without any marks or imperfections.
The goal in every relationship is to maintain the form that you started with. For every unkind word or action, you slowly chip away at the ice cube. You can never un-say or un-do those words or actions once they happen. And once you chip away at the ice cube, you can never put it back. And so the ice cube, your relationship, is left with these marks, sometimes so many that there's barely anything left. And when you think of chipping away at your relationship that much, it's easy to realize how trust is lost, faith dwindles, and there's really no foundation left to sustain a relationship.
So just remember the next time you're about to say/ do something hurtful to someone you love....remember this love them. Seems simple, right? But we all know, in our haste and feelings of anger, our tongues are swifter than our usual, level-headed minds. Try to catch yourself before you say or do something you can't take back...and forever alter your ice cube.
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